The Deputy Minister of Economy, Mentor Arifaj, visits the Austrian Post

Vienna, 10.11.2021 –  The Deputy Minister of Economy, Mentor Arifaj, visited the Austrian Post, where he was received by the Vice President of the Post Branch Network, Harald Kunczier.
During the visit, Vice President Kunczier presented to Deputy Minister Arifaj the Post branches network consisting of more than 1400 digitized branches.
In the meeting, it was also discussed about the opportunities and challenges of digitalization of Post of Kosovo with the help of partners from Austria, to facilitate the process of services for Post of Kosovo customers.
Representatives of the Austrian Post are expected to visit Kosovo soon on a study visit to the Post of Kosovo, to see closely how the process of digitalization and modernization of services for citizens and businesses will begin.
Digitized services have made the customer experience in Austria fast and simple, so the delegation from the Ministry of Economy and the OPM visited a branch of the Post Office to see closely the services offered.