Ministers Lluka and Lekaj inaugurate new train carts for Trainkos

Prishtina, 01.10.2017 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka and Minister of Infrastructure Pal Lekaj inaugurated today the recommencement of new railroad lines in the Republic of Kosovo.

Using this occasion, Minister Lluka considered the recommencement of trains in Kosovo after two months of interruption as an important moment, adding that the railroad system is the main artery of the state’s functions.

Head of MED promised to work in diminishing transport costs for domestic producers, which, unfortunately, are the highest in the region.

“After two months of interrupted train operation in Kosovo, today we managed two things: 1. We inaugurated nine new train carts funded by the Government of Kosovo, and 2. We recommenced the operation of the Prishtina – Peja – Prishtina line. I consider the railroad system to be the main artery of the state, both in terms of economy and citizen wellbeing. Our producers continue to face the highest costs of freight transport in the region, and this should change very soon,” said Minister Lluka.

He further emphasized that subsidies from the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Infrastructure will continue, but they will also demand more accountability from the management of each publicly-owned enterprise. Railroads can not continue to be efficient and profitable if they employ 240 employees for a total of two operational lines (Peja and Hani i Elezit), said Minister Lluka in his speech today.

Otherwise, today the Ministers inspected the new train cart that will be part of railroad lines in Kosovo as of tomorrow.