Lluka distributes appreciation certificates to Trepça miners

Prishtina, 19.02.2019 – Marking the 30th anniversary of the strike of Trepça miners, the Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka, distributed certificates of appreciation for miners that were part of this strike and are to retire this year.

Certificates of appreciation were distributed to mark their contribution to the Trepça mine and their sacrifice during the strike of 28 February 1989.

In his speech, Minister Lluka thanked the miners for their work and sacrifice and informed them that their benefits will be implemented soon.

“This is a ceremony to express our appreciation for your work, the lives you spent working in Trepça mine and especially your contribution and sacrifice in the miners’ strike. I wish to congratulate you for the adoption of the Trepça statute, which makes you shareholders in the mine. We are working to ensure the implementation of your benefits as soon as possible, and hope to conclude all procedures within 3 months,” Minister Lluka said.

The President of the Trepça Miners’ Union, Shyqyri Sadiku, expressed his content with the care shown by Minister Lluka.

“We would like to thank Minister Lluka for the great work done for Trepça and its miners, and for always standing close to miners. He enjoys great respect amongst us for this. We hope for a quick resolution to the issue of miners’ benefits, which would provide them with a better retirement,” said Shyqyri Sadiku.

Meanwhile, Trepça’s oldest miner, Ferit Neziri, said that Mr. Lluka is the first minister to gather miners in a ceremony of such nature.

“I, the oldest miner in Trepça, wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to Minister Lluka, who is the first minister to gather Trepça miners in one such ceremony,” he said.

Also present in the ceremony marking 30 years from the strike was Mayor of Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri, who said that Trepça and its miners are a symbol for the city of Mitrovica, while thanking miners for their efforts and commitment to the advancement of Trepça mine complex.

On the other hand, miners offered Minister Lluka a gift, as a token of their appreciation for his engagement and dedication to their work.