Water supply network installed in five villages in Vitia Municipality

Prishtinë, 27.10.2016 – Five villages in Vitia Municipality, Sllatinë e Epërme, Sllatinë e Poshtme, Sadovinë e Çerkezëve, Sadovinë e Jerlive and Tërstenik received a water supply network, thanks to a joint investment of Vitia Municipality, Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo and the Government of Kosovo, with a value of 740 thousand Euros.

The ceremony of inauguration of this Project was attended by the Mayor of Vitia, Sokol Haliti, Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Besa Zogaj-Gashi from the Kosovo Government, and Deputy Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo Berhard Soland as well as representatives from the implementing partners CDI, RWC “Hidromorava” etc.

In this occasion, Deputy Minister Besa Zogaj Gashi, said that thanks to the cooperation of the Kosovo Government with municipalities and donors a lot of good deeds were done in the sector of waters and sewage.

“In the recent years there were considerable investments in the sector of waters and sewage by the Government of Kosovo, municipalities and donors such as the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo, World Bank, USAID, German Bank for Development, Luxenburg Government etc.” she said.

Whereas the Mayor of Vitia Municipality, Sokol Haliti emphasized that the water supply project for 5 villages of this region is one of the most important projects implemented by the municipal government lately, since this project lead to resolution of the tap water problem for more than 8 thousand residents of these villages.

He thanked the Kosovo Government and the Swiss Office for their constant support for the municipality in implementation of different projects of interest to citizens.

The Deputy Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo, Bernhard Soland, said that the Swiss Government is interested in improving the life of Kosovo citizens through direct assistance in different projects. In this regard, we believe that this project will have an impact in the daily lives of residents of these localities.

Otherwise, Vitia Municipality allocated 330 thousand Euros, Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo allocated 288 thousand euros and the Ministry of Economic Development 128 thousand Euros for the water network project for these five villages.