Minister Rizvanolli met with the Ambassador of Qatar, Ali bin Hamad Al Marri Gallery Minister Rizvanolli met with the Ambassador of Qatar, Ali bin Hamad Al Marri Uncategorized Minister Rizvanolli met with the Ambassador of Qatar, Ali bin Hamad Al Marri
ME grants a letter of recognition to our long-time colleague Hysni Komoni Gallery ME grants a letter of recognition to our long-time colleague Hysni Komoni Uncategorized ME grants a letter of recognition to our long-time colleague Hysni Komoni
Decision on emergency energy measures for public institutions and subsidizing of bills Gallery Decision on emergency energy measures for public institutions and subsidizing of bills Uncategorized Decision on emergency energy measures for public institutions and subsidizing of bills
Ministrja Rizvanolli ka përfaqësuar Kosovën për herë të parë në Forumin e Energjisë të Evropës Juglindore Gallery Ministrja Rizvanolli ka përfaqësuar Kosovën për herë të parë në Forumin e Energjisë të Evropës Juglindore Uncategorized Ministrja Rizvanolli ka përfaqësuar Kosovën për herë të parë në Forumin e Energjisë të Evropës Juglindore
The overhaul of B2 and repairing of A3 are completed, the units are back in operation Gallery The overhaul of B2 and repairing of A3 are completed, the units are back in operation Uncategorized The overhaul of B2 and repairing of A3 are completed, the units are back in operation
Deputy Minister Arifaj met with representatives of AmeriFreight HOLDING LLC Company Gallery Deputy Minister Arifaj met with representatives of AmeriFreight HOLDING LLC Company Uncategorized Deputy Minister Arifaj met with representatives of AmeriFreight HOLDING LLC Company
Deputy Minister Arifaj visited TPP “Kosova A” and “Kosova B” Gallery Deputy Minister Arifaj visited TPP “Kosova A” and “Kosova B” Uncategorized Deputy Minister Arifaj visited TPP “Kosova A” and “Kosova B”
Consumers connected to the line of businesses will be protected from power cuts Gallery Consumers connected to the line of businesses will be protected from power cuts Uncategorized Consumers connected to the line of businesses will be protected from power cuts
Additional obligations for the Universal Service Supplier Gallery Additional obligations for the Universal Service Supplier Uncategorized Additional obligations for the Universal Service Supplier
The Emergency Technical Committee held its second meeting in one day Gallery The Emergency Technical Committee held its second meeting in one day Uncategorized The Emergency Technical Committee held its second meeting in one day
Decisions of the first meeting of the Emergency Technical Committee Gallery Decisions of the first meeting of the Emergency Technical Committee Uncategorized Decisions of the first meeting of the Emergency Technical Committee
Electricity theft cost us millions of euros per year Gallery Electricity theft cost us millions of euros per year Uncategorized Electricity theft cost us millions of euros per year
Public clarification concerning capital investments in the Ministry of Economy Gallery Public clarification concerning capital investments in the Ministry of Economy Uncategorized Public clarification concerning capital investments in the Ministry of Economy
Regular electricity supply restored Gallery Regular electricity supply restored Uncategorized Regular electricity supply restored
Concerning the situation of electricity supply and emergency measures Gallery Concerning the situation of electricity supply and emergency measures Uncategorized Concerning the situation of electricity supply and emergency measures