Geological Service of Kosovo
1.1. Office of the General Director;
1.2. Departments;
1.3 Divisions.
2. The number of employees in the Kosovo Geological Service is forty-nine (49).
General Director
1. Office of the General Director of the Kosovo Geological Service shall consist of:
1.1 General Director
1.2 One (1) administrative support staff
1.3 One (1) driver
2. The tasks and duties of the General Director are defined by Law No. 06/L-039 on Kosovo Geological Service, as well as relevant legislation in force.
3. Duties and responsibilities of the civil servant of the Office of the General Director shall be defined in accordance with the relevant legislation for public officials.
4. The number of employees in the Office of the General Director of the Kosovo Geological Service is three (3).
Departments and divisions of the Kosovo Geological Service
1. Departments and divisions of the Kosovo Geological Service shall be:
1.1.Regional Geology Department;
1.1.1. Mineralogy and Petrology Division;
1.1.2 Mineral Resources Division;
1.1.3 Geochemistry and Geoenvironment Division.
1.2 Sedimentology Department;
1.2.1. Sedimentology and, Paleontology Division;
1.2.2 Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Division;
1.3. Seismology Department;
1.3.1 Engineering Seismology, Seismotectonics and Earthquake Engineering Division;
1.3.2 Geophysics and Instrumental Seismology Division.
1.4. Geoinformation Department;
1.4.1. GIS (Cartography) and Database Division;
1.4.2 Archive, Library and Editing Division
1.5. Laboratory of Geology;
1.5.1 Chemical-Mineralogical Analysis Division;
1.5.2. Geotechnics Division.
1.6. State Museum of Crystals and Minerals – “Trepça”;
1.6.1. Enrichment, Conservation and Protection of Crystals and Minerals of the Museum Division;
1.6.2. Promotion of the Museum Crystals and Minerals Division.
Deputy Chief Executive Officer: Luan Morina
Tel: +383 (0) 38 200 212-00