Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Ministries of Economy of Kosovo and North Macedonia


Skopje, 16.09.2021 – At the joint meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, 11 memoranda of cooperation were signed today.
Within the Ministry of Economy of Kosovo and the Ministry of Economy of North Macedonia, Minister Artane Rizvanolli and Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the energy sector.


This memorandum was signed given the importance of security of electricity supply for economic development in the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of North Macedonia, as well as the lack of generating capacities and their diversity in both countries.


This memorandum emphasizes the importance and benefits of bilateral cooperation in the energy sector and energy resources in mutual benefit in line with the principles of EU Legislation and the Treaty establishing the Energy Community.


Minister Rizvanolli stated during the meeting that: “The same goals as the decarbonisation of the sector, the diversification of resources and the integration of renewable energy sources make it more important than ever to create the technical and commercial conditions for closer cooperation.
In this way we will ensure system flexibility, security and quality of supply, as well as cheaper tariffs for customers”.


The joint memorandum aims to achieve a more secure energy supply for Kosovo, North Macedonia, Southeast Europe and the European Union in general. This facilitation of cooperation between the two countries will focus on priority areas, which include: energy sector, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, security of supply, etc.


“The benefits for our citizens and businesses will be tangible; therefore, our motivation for realization is strong and will not remain only on paper”, added in the end, Minister Rizvanolli.