Procurement Division
1. The mission of the Public Procurement Division is to carry out procurement activities in ME and use ME funds in the most transparent, fair and efficient manner, in full compliance with the Law and the rules of Public Procurement.
2. Tasks and duties of the Public Procurement Division shall be:
2.1. Preparing, coordinating and implementing the annual plan of the Ministry in the field of public procurement, in accordance with the legislation in force;
2.2. Ensuring that all procurement requests are prepared in accordance with procurement rules and procedures;
2.3. Determining the tender procurement methodology and price evaluation procedures;
2.4. Cooperates, coordinates and develops objectives and activities with all institutional organizational structures.
2.5. Providing advice and assisting the management in making decisions on contentious matters that may arise in relation to execution of contracts.
2.6. Performs other tasks according to the legislation in force for public procurement.
3. The head of the Procurement Division reports to the Secretary General.
4. The number of employees in the Procurement Division is four (4).
Head of procurement division: Arbnor Hoxha
Tel: 038 200 215 – 32