Zogaj – Gashi: The Women in Online Work Project proved successful

Deputy Minister of Economic Development Besa Zogaj – Gashi, participated in the Western Balkan Brown Bag Lunch (BBL) Week conference, held in Washington DC, organized by the World Bank for Western Balkans.

Deputy Minister Zogaj – Gashi mentioned in the opening of the conference, focused on the main topic of Women in Online Work, the successes that the pilot project Women in Online Work had in Kosovo. “It is my pleasure to inform you on the pilot results in the municipalities of Lipjan and Gjakova, and on the means to improve in the next phase. We have already started a similar project in the Prishtina Metropolitan Area, municipality of Obiliq and Fushë Kosovë”, said Zogaj – Gashi.

Zogaj – Gashi further mentioned success stories of Women in Online Work Project participants and beneficiaries, claiming that the successful conclusion of the project will be ensured with support by the experts, partners and continuous engagement of all stakeholders, underscoring that better results can be achieved by empowering Kosovo women in the ICT sector.
