Zogaj-Gashi: Information Technology, an agent of economic development

Prishtina 31/10/2016 – The Ministry of Economic Development, as bearer of the responsibility for the creation of national policies for Information and Communication Technology, together with other stakeholders in the ITC sector, is making efforts to turn this technology into an agent of further economic development and social processes in Kosovo, said Besa Zogaj-Gashi, Deputy Minister of Economic Development, at the opening of the annual conference organized by Kosovo banks on the topic: “Digital Banking Services in Kosovo”, organized by the Kosovo Banking Association.

She stated that for banking services to be universal and to have a wide extent in the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, the Kosovo Government, respectively the Ministry of Economic Development, in partnership with the World Bank, is developing an inclusive Program for the Kosovo Digital Economy – KODE. “This program will clearly contribute in extending banking services, as it will address the penetration of broadband infrastructure into the rural areas of Kosovo, in which banking services didn’t have a presence so far, said Zogaj-Gashi.

As far as the legal framework is concerned, Deputy Minister Zogaj-Gashi informed the audience the during next year the MED is planning to initiate procedures for advancing the legislation that deals with electronic services relevant for the banking sector, respectively, MED will begin to transpose the Regulation on Electronic Identity and Reliable Services for Electronic Transactions.

Deputy Minister Zogaj-Gashi remined everyone in the audience that the export of IT services has noted a significant increase in the last three years.

“I am convinced that the facilitation that will be enabled by the Government for companies that provide IT services and are export-oriented, including the advancement of services provided by the banking sector, will increase interest from young entrepreneurs in engaging in IT and in considering this technology as a means for economic growth and development”, said Zogaj-Gashi.

The participants have presented data on the current level of development of Digital Banking Services in Kosovo as well as opportunities for their further development.