World Bank continues to support energy projects in Kosovo

Prishtina, 26.09.2017 – World Bank will continue to support Kosovo, focusing on the energy sector as a prerequisite for sustainable economic development, said representatives of the World Bank, Linda Van Gelder, Regional Director for West Balkans and Marco Mantovanelli, World Bank Kosovo Office Director, during the meeting conducted with the Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka.

Director Gelder was informed by Minister Lluka on MED priorities, an important part of which is the energy sector, respectively the TPP Kosova e Re project and energy efficiency measures, which aim to enhance security of energy supply and environmental protection.

Minister Lluka and World Bank representatives discussed on current developments in the country, especially on sectors covered by the Ministry of Economic Development.

Ms. Gelder reemphasized the support of the institution she represents to energy projects, convinced that security of energy supply has a direct impact on economic development.

For his part, Minister of MED expressed his gratitude to the World Bank for the financial support granted to energy projects, including the loan for implementation of EE measures in public buildings, the project in ICT and revitalization of the Ibër-Lepenc water supply canal.