“Trepça” will be transferred to Kosovo state ownership

Mitrovica, 12.03.2014 – The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, accompanied by the Minister of Economic Development, Fadil Ismajli, and Director of Trepça, Ahmet Tmava, visited today the “Trepça” mine in Stantërg, Mitrovica, and observed works performed in its 10th horizon.

The Prime Minister said that he stands close to the miners to give them full support in their work, especially bearing in mind the endorsement of the draft-law on “Trepça” by the Government, as this draft-law envisages to transform “Trepça” into a publicly-owned company, owned by the state Kosovo.

“This is property of the citizens of Kosovo, of its miners, of the state of Kosovo, and represents one of the most powerful resources that will drive Republic of Kosovo’s economic development,” Thaçi said, expressing his conviction that the said draft-law on “Trepça” will also be approved soon by the Assembly of Kosovo.

According to him, Trepça is one of most powerful giants in Kosovo, region and Europe; moreover, it was, is and will continue to be the honor and pride of Kosovo citizens.

On the other hand, the Minister of Economic Development, Fadil Ismajli, expressed his gratitude for the Government’s continuous support in transforming Trepça into a publicly-owned enterprise in Kosovo’s ownership.
“I promise that we will move forward at an accelerated pace after the adoption of the law by the Assembly. Trepça and its miners are aren’t an asset only for Mitrovica, on the contrary, entire Kosovo is waiting for Trepça’s transformation to what it once stood for – a catalyst of economic development and job-creation,” Ismajli said.

For his part, the Director of “Trepça”, Ahmet Tmava, ensured all present that the economic giant he represents will soon contribute to the country’s development.