The working group and the vision of the Energy Strategy 2022-2031 are introduced

Prishtina, 18.11.2021 – The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti along with the Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, today introduced the working group and the vision of the Energy Strategy 2022-2031, which is being drafted by experts from local institutions and international experts with the assistance of United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Prime Minister Kurti, who welcomed all experts and representatives of local and international institutions, during his speech stressed that: “The energy sector is a priority sector for the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, a sector that affects every aspect of our citizens’ lives. We must provide security of supply for both households and businesses, so that we have a normal life for citizens as consumers, as well as economic, industrial development and employment in the country.”

Further, Minister Rizvanolli presented the vision of the Energy Strategy which envisages a long-term path towards decarbonisation by 2050 while maintaining energy security, affordability for end consumers, increasing the use of clean energy and ensuring the integration of the regional market with economic sustainability.

Minister Rizvanolli emphasized that: “The share of renewable energy sources in electricity consumption is now 5%, whereas the scenarios that we are developing affect that this figure will increase up to 25-30% by 2031, i. e. an increase of approximately 400%.”

Minister Rizvanolli has informed that although this is the ceremonial introduction of the working group, the work has started in June, so in January 2022 the draft strategy is expected to be released for public consultation.

After the speeches of Prime Minister Kurti and Minister Rizvanolli, the Director of the Department of Energy from the Ministry of Economy, Luan Morina presented the institutional and legal responsibility for drafting the Energy Strategy.

Further, Laszlo Szabo, external expert from the Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research (REKK) who is leading the drafting of the Strategy, has presented the methodology and working process of the Energy Strategy.
The meeting was concluded by the Head of the Energy Policy Division from the Ministry of Economy, also chairman of the Working Group on Energy Strategy 2022 – 2030, Sabit Gashi who presented the progress of the working group and thematic subgroups.