The strike of Trepça miners comes to an end, as MED commits to fulfill their demands

Prishtina, 26.10.2017 – The Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka, reached an agreement with the miners of Stantërg Mine to bring the strike they started yesterday to a close, ensuring them that their requests will be addressed by competent institutions within 10 days, hoping to find an acceptable solution for all parties.

Minister Lluka and his associates stayed in Trepça today, and met the Miners’ Union, Trepça Management and miners, in order to get acquainted with the latter’s demands and consider the possibilities for their realization within the shortest term possible.

Head of MED expressed his commitment to work alongside the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and the Labor Inspectorate in reviewing all miners’ demands, and to find a solution regarding labor force systematization within 10 days and to address other demands presented by the end of this year.

Yesterday, miners of the Trepça complex, respectively Stantërg mine, entered into strike, presenting the following demands: improvement of food quality, implementation of the Collective Agreement, and systematization of employees.