The second stage of Pilot Project Women in Online Work – WOW in Prishtina, kicks off

Prishtinë, 19.09.2016 – Following a successful completion of the first stage of the Pilot Project Women in Online Work (WOW) in Gjakova and Lipjan municipality, today the second stage of this project was initiated in Prishtina Municipality, which also includes Fushe-Kosova and Obiliq municipalities.

This pilot project aims to increase employment opportunities, by offering specialized training in three modules, namely, Encoding, Graphic Design and Marketing in Social networks, of a certain group of young unemployed women in green works, created through contracting work online in IT, an emerging industry.

The group of qualified applicants for the first module on web development (Front End Web Development), identified following the probation period and additional testing, was invited to take part in trainings organized in the computer lab of the University for Business and Technology – UBT in Prishtina. This module will be offered for training of a total of 25 women for a period of 4 months.

WoW is a Project of the Ministry of Economic Development, designed by the World Bank – Global Practice – Transportation and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and is financed through the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund, as a part of the first stage of the technical assistance program “Innovative Growth in Rural Areas in Kosovo”. The Project is implemented by the Danish Company CodersTrust, which is specialized in finding solutions for online education and finding online services demanded in the labor market.

The competition for the second module of this training (Graphic Design) is open, whereas the third module (SEO/SMM – Search Engine Optimization/Social Media Marketing) is expected to start in the coming weeks.