The role of KOSTT in the stability of electric energy system is irreplaceable

Prishtina, 20.07.2016 – The role of the Kosovo Transmission and Market System Operator (KOSTT) in sustainability and stability of the electric energy system of our country is irreplaceable. This was the assessment made by the Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and the Minister of Economic Development Blerand Stavileci during their visit to this public enterprise, where managers informed them about the ongoing work activities.

Prime Minister Mustafa assessed the successful organisation and operation of this public enterprise in view of its duties and financial aspects.

“There were successful investments in the past with around 200 million Euros. There was also a very concrete plan of future investments, together with Albania and with the involvement of the Ministry of Economic Development a very important 400 kV project of electric energy transmission was implemented. That project is not being held hostage of the agreement that we had with Serbia about membership of KOSTT in the European Organisation of Energy Transmission”, said the Prime Minister.

In this occasion, Prime Minister Mustafa said that the Government will do its outmost to enable KOSTT operation in the entire territory of Kosovo and be equal to other European Operators in its operation.

Whereas, the Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, assessed the significant and irreplaceable role of KOSTT in terms of sustainability, stability that it provides for the electric energy system in our country.

“You know that last month in June and months before that in December last year we launched the interconnectivity line, namely the Energy Highway, which is one of the capital masterpieces made in the Republic of Kosovo but also in the Republic of Albania. We expect that this project is made operational once the KOSTT starts operating as an independent block”, said the Minister.

Stavileci went on to say that as signatory to the Energy Community Treaty, Kosovo has series of obligations by emphasising the intentions of the entire region but also of EU member states in integrating into the so called, market of the Trans-European Energy Network.

The Head of the MED said that other enterprises and institutions of the energy ecosystem, are doing a great job, which gives our system stability and enables us to be ready for future energy projects of our country and above all of the “Kosova e Re” project. We will be ready for future challenges once we become integral part of the regional market of electric energy.

Mustafë Hasani, CeO of KOSTT, informed Prime Minister Mustafa and Minister Stavileci about achievements of KOSTT, in developing capacities, for planning the development and maintenance of the enterprise, which he called one of the assets of Kosovo.

“We are working on the ongoing investments, and I would like to use this opportunity to thank the World Bank, USAID, European Commission, German Bank for Development, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. All these capacities, this advanced and very modern technology serves the daily operation of KOSTT”, said Hasani.