The Kosovo Research and Education Network took shape


Prishtina, 27.10.2020 – In the Ministry of Economy and Environment (MEE), today the Kosovo Research and Education Network has taken shape, through a memorandum of understanding with higher education institutions.


There were representatives of 20 universities and colleges who signed the memorandum together with Minister Blerim Kuçi, describing this as an important event in the connection between education and technology.


Minister Blerim Kuçi stressed that the purpose of this memorandum is to promote economic development and increase employment through the inclusion of information and communication technology, in particular access to technology and knowledge resources for students and professors of all colleges and universities in Kosovo.


“Through the signing of this memorandum, I feel satisfaction because Kosovo is enabled access to an international network to enable the acquisition of knowledge for students and professors to access similar networks that exist in the world. This is an innovation, an additional opportunity that we must use and today we are signing the memorandum of understanding together with you”, said Kuçi.


While, Fjolla Restelica-Ahmeti, coordinator of the project for digital economy in Kosovo – the project “KODE”, stressed that through this project it is aimed to finance all activities that will help Kosovo in the digital transformation of the country.


“Only Kosovo in the region has not yet established this network and it is more than necessary, through this network, to offer cooperation between our universities initially, as well as the connection of our universities with the largest European network of scientific research in Europe”, she said.


This network aims to achieve the development of the research community, providing this community with access to various digital resources, such as: access to modern information technology infrastructure, various digital services, access to literature, as well as to provide collaboration between educational institutions inside and outside Kosovo.