The ICT industry focused towards promoting export services

Prishtina, 07.05.2018 – Due to an underdeveloped local market, promotion of exports is of major importance for the development and growth of the information technology industry, said Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka.

Minister Lluka made these comments today at the round table “Challenges and Opportunities Kosovo’s Export Companies”, organized on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Kosovo and Germany.

Minister Lluka, on this occasion, said that importance should be given to capacity building of local companies to increase export services, and additionally specific needs of ICT companies for export promotion should also be taken into account.

“ICT companies in Kosovo should focus on specific technologies that reflect the corresponding demand in the information technology markets. The growth in services exports in this sector will provide a number of long-term benefits to Kosovo, including accelerating economic transformation based on ICT through technological transfer and better job creation and better pay”, said Lluka.

He said that, according to data, Kosovo has had an export growth in this sector thanks to the private sector, and highlighted that the country has several advantages such as labor force and knowledge of foreign languages.