The Government of the Republic of Kosovo approves the Draft Decision on “Emergency measures in energy supply”


Prishtina, 24 December, 2021 – The Government of the Republic of Kosovo, during its 51st meeting, has approved the draft decision on “Emergency measures in energy supply”, proposed by the Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli.


This draft decision has come as a result of the energy situation in the country and aims to overcome the energy situation caused by the global crisis.


The draft decision aims at consumer protection, public safety protection, as well as the provision of necessary services for network security management. Furthermore, this draft decision aims to address the category of protected consumers in accordance with energy legislation.


This document envisages the undertaking of specific measures but also the establishment of the Technical Committee within the Ministry of Economy, in order to identify and submit recommendations to the Minister of Economy.


This Technical Committee is expected to be composed of representatives of all relevant institutions such as; Ministry of Economy (MoE), Energy Regulatory Office (ERO), Transmission, System and Market Operator (KOSTT), Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK), Distribution System Operator (KEDS), Universal Service Supplier (KESCO), Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade (MIET), Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals (ICMM) and Kosovo Competition Authority (KCA).


The Committee will identify and recommend the implementation of measures to address the adverse effects of the circumstances under which the Ministry of Economy will take a decision and publish restrictive measures.


Based on these recommendations, the Government, as an emergency measure will impose special obligations on energy enterprises, in order to address any sudden or long-term shortage of energy production capacity, transmission capacity or distribution capacity.