The first day of the workshop “Fair energy transition in Kosovo” is held


Prishtina, 06.07.2021 – The first day of the workshop “Fair Energy Transition in Kosovo” took place today, organized by the Ministry of Economy and brought together in Kosovo all local and international energy experts representing institutions, international organizations and civil society.


This joint workshop on the energy sector and donor coordination in Kosovo aims at informing the technical and political decisions that will be taken during the process of finalizing the National Energy Strategy.


The workshop was opened by the Prime Minister of the Government of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli. The first day of this workshop focused on the presentation of scenarios based on energy transition studies in Kosovo that were conducted insofar by the Secretariat of the Energy Community, Ministry of Economy, EU Office in Kosovo, USAID, German Government (GIZ and KFW), World Bank and ERBD.


The presentations were followed by detailed technical questions by and discussions among experts and representatives of the Ministry of Economy to obtain all the necessary information on the drafting of the National Energy Strategy.


Further, two panels were held, which focused on key priorities and assumptions for future energy sector planning taking into account costs, generation adequacy and timeliness. These panels are detailed in power supply at the lowest possible cost and in planning investments, incentives and financial needs.