The Energy “motorway” Albania – Kosovo is finalized, opening way to the common market

Prishtina, 28.06.2016 – The most important energy “Interconnection line 400 kV between Kosovo and Albania has been finalized, with a total length of 241.1 km, of which 151.1 km in the territory of Albania and 90 km in the territory of Kosovo, thus opening way to the common energy market.

The inauguration ceremony, held in SS Tirana 2, was attended by Prime Ministers Edi Rama and Isa Mustafa, Ministers Damian Gjiknuri and Blerand Stavileci, representatives of the German Embassy in Tirana, KfW and the heads of the transmission system operators of both countries.

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, stated that the completion of the works in the side of Albania, also mark the completion of the 400 kV energy highway between Kosovo and Albania.

“Energy is a cornerstone for sustainable economic development. We need stable and sufficient energy for businesses and households, as a precondition for increased domestic and foreign investments, as well as a precondition for the welfare of our citizens,” said Mustafa, and added that the idea of a common market of Albania and Kosovo will be further expanded with other countries in Eastern Europe, but also in Europe as a whole.

Also, the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, said that the 400 kV interconnection project between the two countries is a basic premise to create a common energy market, comparing it with the nation’s motorway.

“The inauguration of this line is the beginning of a new chapter for the integration of the two countries. Today we proudly see how much we have done to be closer and give our common space power and potential for development, through a comprehensive integration, starting with energy and continuing in all sectors”, said Rama.

The Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, said that the economic integration of our two countries which is becoming more realistic and tangible, is also proven with this project of a modern highway power, which is in line with European Union policies and in accordance with the initiative of the six countries of the Western Balkans.

“The merger of the energy market is a project that is taking its final form, paving the way for a strategic interest of both our countries towards a bilateral energy market and towards the next stage in regional integration”, said Stavileci.

Stavileci said that in addition to the interconnection line, Kosovo and Albania have taken concrete steps to transform the energy sector, including through the memorandum on the possibility of co-financing joint projects in generation, collaboration to create an energy stock exchange in Albania and joint application for feasibility studies for gas.

The Minister of Energy and Industry, Damian Gjiknuri, said that the inauguration of this project in the verge of the Paris Summit, will convince more countries of the European Union that investments in our region are necessary and that the countries are willing to cooperate and accomplish them in time.

The representative of the German Embassy in Tirana, said that this is a very successful step to enhance the security of energy supply in Albania, Kosovo and throughout the region.

The project is valued at 75 million Euros and was financed by the German Government through KfW bank through development loans. The 400 kV interconnection line ensures that Albania and Kosovo benefit from the combination of generation sources. Albania bases 95 percent of its energy generation from hydropower sources, whereas Kosovo uses power plants.