The Assembly of Kosovo approves the Draft Law on Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions


Prishtina, 22.07.2021 – Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli presented today for review to the MP’s of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo the Draft Law on Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions, after the Committee on Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade has reviewed the draft law and the Assembly has recommended its adoption in principle.


This draft law with 66 votes in favor and none against passed in the Assembly of Kosovo in its first reading.


The draft law aims to regulate the manner of identification and electronic identification schemes; Terms of use of electronic signature, electronic stamp, electronic time stamp and equipment for their creation; Transmission services recommended for legal transactions, litigation and other proceedings; Conditions for issuing and using qualified certificates for certification of services and website authentication; Trust services in electronic transactions and electronic documents. This draft law applies to electronic identification schemes and to trust service providers in electronic transactions.


Minister Rizvanolli emphasized that the Ministry of Economy has received continuous requests, both from the private and public sector and the banking and financial sector, for this draft law to be approved as soon as possible, due to its importance and need.


The law is in line with the EU regulation on Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions in the Internal Market (eIDAS regulation).


During the Assembly session, Minister Rizvanolli added that this draft law will not have additional costs for the Kosovo Budget, but for the concrete implementation of the provisions of this draft law, the Government has managed to win a grant from the European Commission worth EUR 4 million, which will be used for the development of the eIDAS system.