Swiss invited to invest in Kosovo

Lausanne, 27.10.2012 – Heads of the Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of Trade and Industry called today upon Swiss investors to invest in the Republic of Kosovo, while presenting the country’s potential and business environment provided by Kosovo’s legal and institutional framework.

The Head of MED and MTI made these comments during the conference titled ‘Investments and Trade Opportunities in Kosovo’ organized in Lausanne, Switzerland by the Kosovo Investment Agency Promotion, in cooperation with the Swiss Chamber of Commerce, Kosovo Economic Initiative (ECIKS) and the Embassy of Kosovo in Switzerland.

Deputy-Prime Minister and Minister of MTI, Mimoza Kusari, explained how Kosovo is moving towards sustainable economic development and that reforms are being implemented in order to improve the business environment, as confirmed by the World Bank’s report on doing business.

Kosovo has marked the fastest advancement of all countries of Southeast Europe, moving from position 126 (last year) to 98 (this year) – thus advancing for 28 positions, said Kusari – Lila. Minister Beqaj presented the privatization projects and the investment potential in the mining, energy and telecommunications sectors. He emphasized that the Government of Kosovo remains committed to the implementation of structural reforms that aim to further strengthen the private sector.

At this conference, leaders of the Investment Promtion Agency presented the opportunities that Kosovo offers to investors, including the inexpensive labor force, preferential measures with USA, Japan, Norway and EU, etc. The audience was also addressed by Swiss investors that are already present in Kosovo, such as ‘Moderna’ Company which operates in Gjakova. In addition, a presentation was made of funding possibilities for investment projects by the Government of Switzerland.