Stavileci: The ecologic component must be a primary criterion for any public project

Prishtina, 20.05.2016 – Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, stated that the Project for the purchase of ecological motorcycles/bicycles (E Bicycle) by the Post of Kosovo is a project that aims to protect the environment, but also improves the services of the company to citizens.

Stavileci made these comments on the occasion of the signing of the Agreement of Understanding between the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Ministry of Economic Development and the Public Utility “Post of Kosovo j.s.c.” for the purchase of ecological motorcycles/bicycles-E Bicycle, in the presence of the three heads of institutions.

“Even in larger projects that we invest, including the “Kosova e Re Project” and many other projects in the area of energy, the most important criterion is the environmental one, ensuring that all our actions both support the economic and social wellbeing as well as have an environmental component, as it directly affects our living environment and the public health”, said Stavileci.

According to him, today’s project contributes directly the projection of the environment, as it allows the employees of Post of Kosovo to carry out their services efficiently, sending “environmental mail”.

From his part, the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Ferid Agani, said that this event is important in many aspects, primarily for the Ministry of Environment, as it represents a unique example of cooperation in promoting a new culture which should prevail, that of environment protection.

“This represents a concrete example, and I commend Post of Kosovo and MED for the message they are sending to all citizens and economic operators, public and private, which can incorporate the idea of environment protection”, said Agani, adding that this represents a direct contribution to improve the air quality.

The CEO of Post of Kosovo, Sejdi Hoxha, said that this enterprise had an understanding to MESP, starting as of this year to use modern mobility devices, and the idea was to replace the current motor vehicles with eco-cycles running on electricity.

According to him, the use of these vehicles by 300 postmen will enhance the efficiency, reduce costs, and will reduce emissions and set an example for environment protection.