Stavileci presents the achievements of economy and energy in the Paris Summit

Prishtina, 04.07, 2016 – Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci is taking part in the Business Forum, which is being held under the Paris Summit for the Western Balkans, “Paris, Balkans, 2016”, taking place in the French capital, also attended by the line ministries of the six Western Balkan countries, including:  Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro, the European Commissioner for Enlargement, Johaness Hahn, and representatives of institutions and international financial organizations.

Under the first Paris Summit, Minister Stavileci will also take part in the reception of the President of France, Francois Hollande, organized for the countries of the Western Balkans in Elysse Palace, where the ‘RYCO’ agreement will be signed by the Prime Ministers.

The main topic of the Business Forum, the host of which is Michel Sapin, French Minister of Finance and Treasury, will be the introduction of reforms in the six Western Balkan countries on the business environment, with a focus on the following sectors: Transport and Infrastructure, Energy and Environment, Digitization, etc.

The forum takes place in sectoral sessions, and Minister Stavileci will address the Energy and Environment session, discussing issues such as Renewable Energy, Smart Networks, Energy Efficiency, and waste and water treatment.

Stavileci will present Kosovo’s achievements in these sectors since the last Summit, highlighting the achievements especially in the field of energy, including the conclusion of 400kV interconnection between Kosovo and Albania, the common market, cross-border projects in the field of energy which aim to include neighboring countries and which are in line with EU guidelines, namely the Berlin initiative.

In addition, the forum will also accommodate discussions on projects signed in 2015 and co-funded by the European Commission, presentation of programs for financing of projects in the Balkans and current challenges, etc.

In the second day of his visit to Paris, Minister Stavileci will hold separate meetings with heads of various French companies in ICT and Innovation, such as Finance Innovation, Cap Digital, La Paillasse and La Ruche, to be more closely infofrmed with their experiences and possibilities of cooperation with Kosovo companies.