Stavileci: Kosovo needs educated cadre in the energy sector

Prishtinë, 14.11.2016 – Now more than ever, we need educated cadre in the energy sector. KEDS Academia is doing this and I am grateful and congratulate them on this initiative, said Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, and added that this comes at a time when Kosovo is making huge steps in the Energy Sector.

These comments were made today at the graduation ceremony of the third generation of the KEDS Academy, where following the 1 year theoretical and practical education, tens of young men and women joined the labour market. They received the most advanced knowledge on energy and management matters.

He said that KEDS Academy proved itself with the success of this project, knowing that energy sector is one of the most vital sectors of sustainable economic development for the Government.

“We are in the most important stage of strategic decisions for the future of our country which started with modernisation of the distribution and supply system, which was successful because of KEDS and which is taken as a positive example abroad on how to transform the sector in a modern way”, said Stavileci, by adding that this circle of modernisation is rounded up with implementation of the biggest project of “Kosova e Re” PP, which is a direct foreign investment.

In this occasion George Karagutoff the Director General of KEDS said that these students are embarking on a new stage of their lives prepared in the best possible way. They are aware of challenges awaiting them, and also know that this is only the beginning of a long journey. They should be proud and responsible.

According to him the KEDS Academy, initiated in 2013 has already met its mission and is looking towards further advancement.

Whereas founder of the KEDS Academy, Mesut Serhat Dinc, also a member of the Executive Board informed attendees that the fourth generation is getting ready and will soon be on its way, and the achievements made so far make us all feel good.

Nihat Ozdemir, President of the Limak Holding, said that Kosovo takes a special part in their hearts, and highly evaluated the hospitality they found here. He added that the Kosovo youth is the most valuable asset of this new country and that this is the reason why KEDS Academy received undisputable support from Calik Holding.

Otherwise, the KEDS Academy was established in partnership with the Kosovo Ministry of Education, Prishtina Uniersity “Hasan Prishtina” and the Bogazici University in Istanbul. 150 young men and women are already prepared for the labour market and form an important part of it. A considerable number of them have already become KEDS employees.