Renowned Korean companies coming soon in Kosovo

Prishtina, 31.05.2016 – The Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, with associates, is in an official visit to South Korea, holding meetings with officials of Korean institutions and representatives of various companies, particularly those in the energy sector and information technology. The visit is realized with the support of the World Bank, which is one of the biggest supporters of these two sectors in Kosovo.

In this context, Minister Stavileci held separate meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Planning, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Korean Agency for Internet and Security, the National Agency for Information Society, National Agency for the Promotion of ICT Industry, Korean Telecom and ICT and energy companies.

In meetings with heads of institutions and companies in the field of energy, the main topics were the construction of Kosova e Re Power Plant, energy efficiency, energy sources and new models of ‘Smart Energy’, to discuss the possibility of Korean companies investing in Kosovo, especially in ongoing projects, such the TPP.

Meanwhile, particular attention was placed to meetings of the information technology sector, where Minister Stavileci invited Korean companies, including Korean Telecom, to invest in our country in this sector, for which Kosovo has all prerequisites for rapid development.

The Economic Minister, in these meetings saw a willingness of Korean companies to soon be present with investments in the Kosovo market, and added that MED, namely the Government, has taken concrete steps to improve the business environment, with a high priority placed on ICT and the energy sector.

Otherwise, South Korea is supporting Kosovo in the development of the ICT sector, through the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund in the project “Innovative Growth for rural areas in Kosovo”, implemented by the World Bank in Kosovo.