Renewable Energy Auctions starts taking shape


Prishtina, 08.10.2020 – Today was held a virtual meeting between the Ministry of Economy, World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, where the topic of discussion was the Renewable Energy Auction.


The Renewable Energy Auction, which as an idea has been launched a while ago, will now replace the Renewable Energy Incentive Fee system. Based on this orientation of the ministry, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has provided tailored assistance for the auction.


Minister Kuçi thanked both banks for their assistance to the auction, emphasising the commitment of the Ministry of Economy and Environment to encourage investments in order to ensure a more affordable cost for consumers, which is another step forward to green economy and energy policies.


This approach was praised by the Country Manager of the World Bank, Massimiliano Paolucci, who considered it to be a very positive step by the Government of Kosovo.


During the meeting, they were also informed about work procedures initiated by the working groups, which the minister instructed to be carried out with accelerated pace, so that the first renewable energy auction can be held in the first part of 2021.