Regional energy market operationalization increases energy safety

Prishtina, 14.12.2017 – Operationalization of the regional energy market will comprise a strong instrument for the optimization of energy utilization in the best possible manner, which can’t be implemented prior to eliminating all problems, especially those pertaining to energy transmission, as is the case between Kosovo and Serbia, said the Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka.

Head of MED made these comments in the common press conference with the Energy Community Secretariat Director, Janez Kopač, conducted upon conclusion of the 15th Ministerial Council of EnCT, held in Prishtina today.

Minister Lluka added that Kosovo presided over EnCT in 2017, and passed over the presidency of this entity to Macedonia today. “We discussed a number of issues in the 15th Ministerial Council, but the focus of the meeting was renewable energy and diminishment of gas emissions, as well as technical issues that we, member states of EnCT need to resolve in the following issues,” Luka said.

He further added that the commitments undertaken will serve the environment, security of energy supply and integration of the regional energy market.

“One of the issues discussed was problems that we have with Serbia in terms of transmission operation, which we’ve raised at the EnCT Secretariat level, as the entity responsible to facilitate negotiations between both countries, with mediation from the Government of Germany. Kosovo has already defined the composition of its negotiation team, while we are still expecting Serbia’s response on this matter,” Minister Lluka said.

Minister Lluka used this occasion to express his gratitude to the Minister of Economy of Macedonia, Kreshnik Bekteshi, who took over EnCT presidency for 2018 and expressed his commitment to support Kosovo in resolving said problem and assist EnCT in advancing the defined objectives.