PTK privatization implementation plan is presented

Prishtina, 17. 04. 2012 – Today, the Government Committee on PTK Privatization held its meeting in order to present the new transaction advisor and the PTK privatization implementation plan.

The chairman and members of GPC expressed their stand on the necessity to successfully and timely conclude this important process for the country’s economy.

Reforms in the telecommunications sphere, according to which 75% of the Vala and Telecom shares will be transferred to private property, will provide for the development of competitiveness and the enhanced quality of service in this sector.

Public sector reform, and the introduction of private capital in this sector, will have a direct and positive impact on the country’s economic development.

The newly appointed transaction advisor, comprising representatives of LazardFereres S.A.S. and RaiffeisenInvestment, expressed its belief that PTK is an attractive company for serious investors and said that at the global level telecommunications sector continues to generate large-scale income, which means that larger operators possess sufficient capacities for further expansion.

According to the timeframe presented by the Transaction Advisors, the sale of PTK is expected to occur within 2012.

In accordance with current standards for sales and purchases of telecommunication companies, the role of the transaction advisor as key partners for the conduct of PTK privatization will be rather important for guaranteeing a successful conclusion of this process.

Concretely, the transaction advisor will prepare a detailed analyses of all functional aspects in PTK, conduct market sounding and an analysis of potential investors in PTK, prepare the privatization framework with recommendations on transaction structures, organize international conferences with investors in European and global centers, evaluate PTK for the need of the Government, prepare bidding documents, help GPC in managing the PTK tender and will support the latter in the negotiations on financial closure of the contract, etc.

Further, in this GPC meeting an analysis of the progress made in the establishment of the new enterprise ‘Post of Kosovo’ was presented and upcoming steps in the privatization were discussed.