Privatization will continue in accordance with Assembly decisions

19.09.2012 – This was stated by the Minister of Economic Development, Mr. Besim Beqaj, in an interview for Radio Kosova. The Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj, said that the Government remains committed to bring to life all decisions deriving from the Assembly.

Privatization of publicly-owned enterprises in Kosovo will go on, in line with the decisions adopted by the Assembly of Republic of Kosovo, regardless of all opposition from various parties from Kosovo and abroad. This was stated by the Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj, in an interview for Radio Kosova.

Contrary to various objections, privatization of publicly-owned enterprises will be conducted in accordance with the envisaged agenda and plan. The Minister of Economic Development claims that the Government remains committed to implementing all decisions deriving from the Assembly.

“The privatization process is not based on a decision adopted by the Ministry. It is founded on a decision issued by the Assembly; it was undertaken through a transparent process and was based laws applicable in the Republic of Kosovo. In conformity with this decision, we remain committed to continuing this process. We remain convinced that privatization will open way to the long-term development of the Republic of Kosovo,” he emphasized.

The issue of staffing in publicly-owned enterprises was treated with utmost priority by the government, hence Minister Beqaj says that they should not be afraid of losing their jobs.

“Occupational safety is ensured much better than any other circumstance. Staff with permanent contracts are protected by law, whereas those with temporary contracts are guaranteed their employment for a three-year period. They don’t enjoy such protection in the current circumstances.” Beqaj stated.

KEK Distribution was sold in June for 26.300.000 euro. Although he admits that the price obtained for the sale of this company is not satisfactory, Beqaj says that this is an issue regulated by market economy, as the sole criterion in this privatization was the highest bid. However, he underlines that Limak & Calik will invest around 300 million euro in the company.

The contract with this company will be signed next month, Beqaj clarifies

“We expect to sign it before 15 October. The transfer is envisaged to occur in a transitory period of six months, and until then all agreements, including the power purchase agreement, will have to be compiled. However, we are in full harmony with the agenda we have set to ourselves,” he emphasized.

As regards the privatization of 75 percent of PTK shares, the inter-ministerial committee has issued the bidding package criteria and invited all five prequalified companies to take part in this the privatization tender. Minister Beqaj underscored that the winning bidder will be announced during this year.

However, he denies any activity being undertaken in relation to the metallurgical giant ‘Trepca’, currently under KPA management.

The Union of Kosovo Trade Unions has notified of a protest to be held for tomorrow, at the time when a parliamentary debate will be held on the matter. Meanwhile some days ago, a related petition signed by over 62 thousand citizens was submitted.