Possibilities of overcoming water shortages in Gjilan reviewed

Prishtina, 26.06.2019 – Gjilan, along with the central government, should focus on the long-term solution of the drinking water issue, providing additional water reserves.

This is the fourth time since the end of the war that Gjilan finds itself in such a situation, said Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka, during a roundtable discussion on “Long-term supply of Gjilan with drinking water – Review of Alternatives on Provision of Water Resources”, organized by the Municipality of Gjilan and Regional Water Company Hidromorava.

On this occasion, Minister Lluka, accompanied by the Minister of Environment, Fatmir Matoshi, the Mayor of Gjilan, Lutfi Haziri, and the Head of Regional Water Company Hidromorava, Muhamed Suliqi, visited Perlepnica Lake in order to look closely at the water reserves reduced due to the lack of precipitations.

Minister Lluka claimed that four emergency sources which can help solve the problem are currently being reviewed. He stated that Gjilan, along with the central government, should focus on a long-term solution to the problem.

“Today there is a water crisis in Gjilan. Not long before this, we had such a crisis in Prishtina. Meanwhile, the latest World Bank report has clearly shown that Kosovo has only 230 cubic meters of water reserves per capita, while the countries of the region have over 650 cubic meters, whereas the developed countries of Europe have about 1700 cubic meters per capita”, said Minister Lluka at the roundtable. He further added that according to this report, the Government of Kosovo, with the assistance of the World Bank, is reviewing two investment opportunities such as a water reserve in Kamenica and a water reserve in Suhareka.

In conclusion, depending on the proposals emerging from this roundtable, Minister Lluka, Minister Matoshi and Mayor Haziri have pledged to support the recommendations of experts.