Ministry of Economic Development finances the deployment of digital infrastructure in remote areas of Kosovo


Prishtina, 18.02.2020 – The Ministry of Economic Development, namely the Kosovo Digital Economy (KODE) project, through support grants, during 2019, has financed the deployment of fixed broadband network, respectively fibre optic in remote areas of Kosovo, enabling the residents of these areas access to internet and television content services.


This is as a result of the hard work done by professionals engaged in the KODE Project and in close cooperation with officials of the Ministry of Economic Development.


The project areas are throughout Kosovo and according to the data of the Kosovo Agency of Statistics, there is a significant number of inhabitants, more than 19,000 or about 2,820 families, living in these areas.


The number of villages that have benefited from broadband infrastructure coverage is 85, while the municipalities included are 16: Gjilan, Kamenica, Vitia, Novoberde, Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Vushtrria Peja, Istog, Klina, Gjakova, Prizren, Suhareka, Prishtina, Podujeva and Lipljan.


It is worth noting that 65 public institutions, including family medicine centres and schools located within the covered areas, will have broadband, high-speed internet access for five years for free.