Minister Stavileci attending the Ministerial Meeting of EnCT in Vienna

Prishtina, 02 July 2015 – Minister of Economic Development Blerand Stavileci will participate in the WB6 Energy Community Treaty Ministerial Meeting, held in Vienna, Austria, on the topic Energy: Connecting Systems: Connecting Markets, to discuss the most recent developments in the energy sector of Western Balkans.

The meeting is chaired by the Director of Energy Community Secretariat, Janez Kopac, and attended by EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn, who will speak on cooperation in the energy sector and initiatives deriving from the Berlin Process.

During the meeting, a number of regional initiatives on the WB6 energy market and mutual benefits were presented. The meeting was used for the discussion of a number of important matters, such as:
– Enhancement of security of supply
– Increased competition
– Improvement of services for citizens
– Development of energy transmission and electricity generation capacities, and
– Establishment of the same legal infrastructure with WB6 countries.

Minister Stavileci presented the most recent developments in Kosovo in this sector, and explained that in regard to legislation, Kosovo is in the final phase of finalizing its energy legislation package, and the Assembly is expected to adopt it during this year.

Stavileci further mentioned concrete projects that are currently under implementation, including:
–    400kV line between Kosovo and Albania, funded by KfW
–    TPP Kosova e Re, in the negotiation phase
–    World Bank loan ($32 million on EE and RES) and KfW loan (€7.5 million, currently under execution by KfW and MF)
–    EE Fund initiative – feasibility study level
–    Kosovo’s mandatory RES target – 25%
–    Feed-in tariffs for all RES types, etc.

Meanwhile, the ministerial meeting will result in conclusions and steps to be undertaken in meeting obligations deriving from EnCT and the Berlin Process for WB6.