Minister Lluka visits Gjilan and Kamenica

Prishtina, 14.11.2018 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka, accompanied by the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Fatmir Matoshi, visited today the cities of Gjilan and Kamenica, to review firsthand the developmental projects funded in 2018 and to discuss on future projects in this region.

Ministers Lluka and Matoshi visited the Regional Water Supply Company Hidromorava, which covers the entire Gjilan region, and were informed by its Chief Executive Officer Muhamet Suliqi on challenges faced by the enterprise.

During the visit to Perlepnica dam, Minister Lluka said that the Ministry he heads has supported the Perlepnica dam project with 400,000 EUR.

Further, the ministers visited Gjilan, where they were welcomed by its Mayor Lutfi Haziri, who accompanied them to the section of the city where a 3.4km pedestrian area is under development, to discuss on further cooperation in the future.

The visit concluded in Kamenica where, accompanied by Mayor Qendron Kastrati, the ministers visited the “Isa Kastrati’ Culture Home project, selected by the Ministry of Economic Development for renovation to enhance its energy efficiency.