Minister Lluka takes part in the EU Western Balkans Summit in Sofia

Prishtina, 16.05.2018 – Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka, is taking part in the first forum on the “Investments Perspective: Western Balkans”, in the meetings of the EU Summit on the Western Balkans, held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

In the forum, Minister Lluka and his regional counterparts discussed on the importance of appropriate cooperation towards the regions development.

“Kosovo, situated in the middle of the Western Balkan, has played a key role in the connection between the countries. Investments in road and rail infrastructure, and recently in telecommunications in Kosovo make the region more interconnected and more attractive for investments foreign,” said Lluka.

Also, Minister Lluka presented to the foreign businesses the opportunities Kosovo offers in different sectors, with a focus on Energy, Mines and Information Technology.

Economic Minister considered that the integration of a common energy market remains the main challenge in the country.

Otherwise, the Forum “Investment Perspective: Western Balkans” is held at the margins of the EU-Western Balkans Summit held in Sofia, Bulgaria, which currently holds the EU Presidency.

The Sofia summit gathers the heads of state of European Union member states and their counterparts from the Western Balkans region.

The central topic of the Summit will be ‘Connectivity’ from the aspect of transport, energy, digital infrastructure and education.