Minister Lluka signs agreements on abolition of roaming tariffs with Albania

Prishtina, 26.11.2018 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka and Minister Damian Gjiknuri signed today the agreement to abolish roaming tariffs between the two countries. As of 1 June 2019, citizens of both countries will be able to use their phones and mobile internet at their home tariffs!

One of the main elements of free movement of persons and exchange of services and goods is electronic communication, especially mobile services between different countries.

“Taking into consideration the common interest to promote closer ties in the sphere of electronic communication, especially the potential to intensify the trade between our two countries, and aiming to increase the level of cooperation in all spheres of life: economic, cultural, touristic, etc. and taking into consideration above all the interests of users and businesses, we, the two governments have harmonized our agreement to abolish roaming service tariffs for public mobile communication networks,” said Minister Lluka.

The Roaming Like at Home model was utilized under the draft-roaming agreement between Western Balkans countries (WB6), but aiming to ensure a greater dynamics towards a complete RLAH.

Minister Lluka said that all operators will benefit from this agreement. “Based on best European Union practices on roaming, it is expected that all parties participating in mobile services benefit from this Agreement. Operators should not fear any potential decrease of their income, as income will exponentially grow with increased traffic. In EU alone, after only one year, said increase was between 600% and 800%.

Abolition of roaming will be beneficial for all businesses as they will decrease expenses and increase efficiency, due to less costly and more flexible communication, resulting in increased economic cooperation and enhanced trade exchange,” said, among other, Minister Lluka.

Greatest beneficiaries will be residents of our two countries, which have, to date, expressed numerous concerns related to roaming.

The execution of this agreement represents a positive step for regional cooperation, but aims to ensure the final goal of having our two countries and other countries of the region become part of the Roaming Like at Home (RLAH) rules of the European Union as of 2021.