Minister Lluka signed the Agreement on Digitalization of local company business


Prishtina, 22.01.2020 – The Minister of Economic Development, Mr. Valdrin Lluka and the Head of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) office in Kosovo, Mr. Gunther Zimmer, have signed the cooperation agreement between the Government of Kosovo and the Austrian Government, called “Market Access and Business Digitalization Services for Kosovo Companies – ACCESS”, which, among others, aims to reduce the poverty in Kosovo.


This agreement contains a number of interventions for facilitation purposes, against systemic market constraints that hinder the reduction of poverty in Kosovo. Interventions are tailored to foster systemic change in the behaviours, skills, and relationships of key market system actors and to bring benefits for the people living in poverty. As a result of this project, 150 jobs will be created, or will be maintained up to 4,800 private sector companies and from project activities will benefit their employees and the wider population (also the poor population) in Kosovo.


Minister Lluka said that this project will enable the application of Austrian best practices of private sector development.


“This project is another proof of the close cooperation between the Austrian Government and Government of Kosovo in the area of Private Sector Development. The Austrian Development Agency has always been ready to help Kosovo by applying the best Austrian development practices in Kosovo”, said Minister Lluka.


Whereas, Mr. Zimmer Gunther, Head of ADA office in Kosovo, said that through this project we continue to support the development of private sector in Kosovo in fighting poverty.


“The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) through the ACCESS project continues support the development of the private sector in Kosovo, with the aim to further strengthen private companies and to fight the poverty. In addition to rural development projects, higher education, stimulating foreign investment, strengthening the private sector, etc., ADA, through ACCESS project and in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, remains committed to strengthening the private sector in Kosovo through the field of digitalization. The project aims, among other things, to contribute to enabling Kosovo’s micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to face the challenges of the digitalization era. The project aims, among other things, to contribute to enabling Kosovo’s micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to face the challenges of the digitalization era. The signing of the agreement with the MED is a proof on the commitment of Kosovo institutions towards this common goal”, said the Head of the Austrian Development Agency.