Minister Lluka receives German investors to discuss investments in energy and mining

Prishtina, 08.11.2017 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka received today a delegation of investors from Germany, headed by Hans Jurgen Muller, President of the German-Albanian Economic Association, accompanied by the Kosovo Ambassador in Berlin, Skender Xhakaliu.

Minister Lluka used the occasion to inform his guests on sectors covered by MED, and on the projects to be implemented.

Minister Lluka also presented Kosovo’s investment possibilities, focusing on four spheres: Energy, Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency, Mines, including especially Trepça, the ICT sector and especially infrastructure processes in Publicly-Owned Enterprises.

In addition, Minister Lluka presented his plans for increasing transparency in license obtaining processes for use of renewable sources, revealing his concept of open auctions in which investors can participate in a transparent manner.

On the other hand, the President of the German-Albanian Chamber, Hans Jurgen Muller, congratulated Minister Lluka on his engagement for Kosovo’s economic development, expressing his appreciation for the transparency promoted by Minister Lluka.

Both parties agreed that an investors conference for the sectors of energy and mining should be organized between both countries, after the establishment of the new German government.