Minister Lluka opened the Conference “Responsible Business Behaviour in Mining”


Prishtina, 22.01.2020 – The Minister of Economic Development, Mr. Valdrin Lluka, participated in the conference “Responsible Business Behaviour in Mining”, organized under the auspices of the Canadian Embassy in Kosovo, which was attended by around 60 professionals from the private and public sector and academia.


In his opening speech at the Conference, Minister Lluka spoke of this sector’s achievement during his mandate as Minister of Economic Development.


“After more than a decade, the zones of special interest are open to strategic investments. During this period we have established the legal and regulatory framework for investments in the mining sector” stated Minister Lluka.


Furthermore, the minister also stated: As the minister responsible for the mining sector, I have signed an agreement with the Canadian Government, on behalf of the Republic of Kosovo, for the protection of Canadian investments in Kosovo and vice-versa, whereby as a result a Canadian company has applied for obtaining the status of a strategic investor for investments in this sector.


Finally, the Minister extended his gratitude to the organizers of the Conference, while stating that such organisations are an important step of development for the mining sector.