Minister Lluka informs Austrian Parliament members on economic developments in the country

Prishtina, 18.09.2018 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka received today a delegation of members of the Austrian Parliament and European Parliament from the Austrian People’s Party, accompanied by the Austrian Ambassador in Prishtina, Gernot Pfandler. Minister Lluka informed the delegation on the overall developments in the country, with special emphasis on the sectors covered by the portfolio of the Ministry he heads.

Minister Lluka informed the Austrian members of parliament on the commitment of the Kosovo Government to reform the legal and institutional framework, aiming to improve the climate for foreign investments.

The head of MED spoke on the projects under development in the sectors considered of strategic importance for the country’s economic development and job-creation, including energy, mining, information technology.

The Minister spoke on the capital project of the energy sector, the Kosova e Re Thermal Power Plant Project, one of the country’s largest recent investments, which is expected to give a significant boost to the development of this sector and the economy in general.

During the meeting, Minister Lluka also spoke on the ICT project – KODE (Kosovo Digital Economy), which is being implemented in cooperation with the World Bank and which aims to ensure the expansion of internet throughout Kosovo territory.

The Minister also underscored investments in other sectors, such as water and waste management, which are being implemented with support from donors and which have a direct impact on improving the quality of lives of the citizens.