Minister Kuçi signed the memorandum for the Digital Corridor with Albania


Tirana, 02.10.2020 – Under the splendour of the flags of Kosovo and Albania, today in Tirana the meeting of the two governments, under the motto “Together without Borders” was held.


The Minister of Economy and Environment, Blerim Kuçi together with the Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Belinda Balluku, signed the Memorandum of Cooperation for the Establishment of the 5G Digital Corridor and the Facilitation of Movement in the future.


The signed memorandum is an agreement of the two ministries to initially cover the “Rruga e Kombit” (Nation’s Highway) with 5G services in order to facilitate interconnected and automated mobility with the future.


“In the technological world, when today is being considered as ‘yesterday’, the digital corridor that will be created between Prishtina and Tirana based on 5G technology, will position our countries on an enviable scale for the optimization of road logistics “, said Minister Kuçi.