Minister Kuçi hosts civil society and inhabitants of Deçan for the hydropower plants issue


Prishtina, 21.09.2020 – The Minister of Economy and Environment, Blerim Kuçi, hosted today in a meeting the representatives of some civil society organizations and the inhabitants of the Deçan zone.


This delegation presented to Minister Kuçi their concerns regarding the works and the situation that has been created in the Gryke te Deçan, as a result of the construction of hydropower plants.


Minister Blerim Kuçi listened to all concerns and requests, promising that everything that is contrary to the law will not be allowed to happen. For this he thanked this group for their commitment, also showing that there is a need for stricter monitoring in this area.


“Your concern is clear, as I am clear that I will enforce the law at every step. The issue of hydropower plants in Deçan did not start today or yesterday, but much earlier. We are now facing a process that requires a fair solution. What I can say is that the monitoring and control should be stricter”, said among others Minister Kuçi.


All requests of this delegation have been identified by the cabinet of the minister and a written request has been submitted that will receive due attention.


Minister Kuçi’s request to this group was not to stop raising their voices when they see that the law and rights are being violated.


“The reasonable voice of residents and civil society with achievable demands and commitment of institutions are the tools that lead us to safe steps. I will always be open to civil society, as they look a little deeper than superficially. This is what I need as a minister in a digaster that has a lot of work and a lot of past”, added Minister Kuçi.


This meeting was attended also by the Deputy Minister Muharrem Nitaj and the directors of the respective departments in the Ministry of Economy and Environment.