Minister Kuçi discusses the Draft Spatial Plan of the National Park

The following participated in the meeting: Minister of MEE, Blerim Kuqi, as the Chairperson, Deputy Minister of MEE, Burbuqe Bakija – Deva, Deputy Minister of MEE, Muharrem Nitaj and Mayors of Municipalities of; Peja, Istog, Deçan, Junik and Gjakova as well as the local community.

Minister Kuçi emphasized that it is his obligation to push the National Plan “Bjeshkët e Nemuna” forward until its approval and that they are working intensively together with all actors involved to implement this project as soon as possible.

“First of all, I want to get the approval of the Mayors of the respective municipalities for the National Plan for “Bjeshkët e Nemuna”, while at the same time respecting the requirements of the local community and respecting the legislation in force”, stated Kuçi.

After the discussions, all parties involved agreed to continue with further meetings, finding a lasting and common solution to this issue, which is related to the protection of nature and biodiversity.

On their part, the local community expressed their gratitude to Minister Kuçi for his readiness and support for their requests and for accelerating and implementing this plan.