Minister Blerim Kuçi hosted in a meeting the representatives of the Austrian Development Agency coordination offices


Prishtina, 01.07.2020 – The Minister of Economy and Environment (MEE), Blerim Kuçi hosted today in a meeting the head of the Austrian Development Agency coordination office in Kosovo (ADA), Dr Gunther Zimmer and Arsim Aziri, programme manager for economic development.


Minister Blerim Kuçi thanked the representatives of the Austrian Development Agency coordination office for the support they have provided to Kosovo in its development.


Mr Kuçi informed Mr Zimmer and Mr Aziri about the economic situation in Kosovo, created as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as for the 9 points provided by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo for the economic recovery of the country.


Minister Kuçi also emphasized that the assistance of ADA in this difficult economic time that Kosovo is facing, is more than necessary.


ADA representatives express readiness to further deepen cooperation with Kosovo institutions, in particular in the field of economic development.


The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) coordination office for cooperation, focuses on rural development, economic development, support for institutional capacity in the country, digitalization and education.