Minister Artane Rizvanolli took office from Muharrem Nitaj


Prishtina, 23.03.2021 – The insofar Minister of Economy and Environment, Muharrem Nitaj, today handed over the office to the future Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli.


On this occasion, Nitaj informed Rizvanolli about the projects that have been implemented, those that are in process, and those that are expected to commence in the field of Technology, Energy, Public Enterprises and Mining.


Nitaj also stated that Minister Rizvanolli is awaited by many works to be carried out in the Department of Economy, in the recovery and development of the country’s economy that was hit by the pandemic.


Minister Rizvanolli emphasized that she will cooperate closely with the ministry staff to continue and implement projects that will help the development of the country’s economy.