Minister Artane Rizvanolli received the British Deputy Ambassador, Jacob Webber

Prishtina, 05.11.2021 – Today, the Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, received in a meeting the Deputy Ambassador of Britain in Kosovo, Jacob Webber.

During the meeting, the Minister of Economy and the Deputy Ambassador discussed the issue of energy, especially the drafting of the Energy Strategy by the Government of Kosovo.

Minister Rizvanolli emphasized that taking into account global warming and environmental impacts, the main goal of the Energy Strategy is to guarantee the security of energy supply and at the same time to be affordable for consumers.

During the meeting, the British Deputy Ambassador expressed the readiness of the Embassy to assist the Ministry of Economy and the Government of Kosovo in the Strategy process and the areas in which there is room for contribution.

Also, the Deputy Ambassador and the Minister discussed the need to save electricity in the face of the energy crisis that has swept across Europe, although this crisis does not necessarily affect Kosovo, but may indirectly affect it due to imports.

At the end of the meeting, the Deputy Ambassador stressed that the British Embassy and Government are happy for the cooperation they have with the state of Kosovo and given the importance of the Strategy process, show increased support for Kosovo.