Mining sector in the focus of Canadian investors

Prishtina, 18.10.2018 – The Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka, received today the non-resident Canadian Ambassador in Kosovo, Daniel Maksymiuk, to discuss developments in the country, including energy, information technology and, especially, the mining sector.

The main focus of the meeting was on the mining potential offered by Kosovo, and Minister Lluka informed the Ambassador on the latest developments on Trepça, including the establishment of its board, operationalization of its statute and the ongoing feasibility study.

“Since our last meeting, there were a number of positive developments regarding Trepça. The board was established, its statute was finalized and the feasibility study is currently under way. Upon finalization of these processes, we would like to see many Canadian companies invest in it,” Minister Lluka said.

During this meeting, discussions revolved around the opportunity for Canadian investors to invest in Information and Communication Technology sector, as well as in the irrigation systems, and the head of MED said that he welcomed Canadian investments in these important sectors for the country’s economic development.

In conclusion, the Canadian Ambassador expressed his content with the developments in the mining sector and said that Canadian investors will also focus on other sectors.

“We are happy with the positive developments viewed recently, especially in the mining sector. This is very good news for Canadian investors. We wish to develop further our cooperation and look into introducing new potential investors in Kosovo through the Canadian export agencies,” said Ambassador Daniel Maksymiuk.

Minister Lluka thanked the Canadian ambassador and emphasized that cooperation between the two countries will be deepened further.