MEE and University of Prishtina signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of scientific research for environment and environmental protection projects


Prishtina, 16.11.2020 – For the sake of cooperation between the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, specifically Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary and Ministry of Economy and Environment, the Minister of Economy and Environment, Blerim Kuçi, and Rector of University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Naser Sahiti, signed today a Memorandum of Cooperation.


Institutions responsible for implementation of this Memorandum will coordinate activities for affirmation of current issues in the protection of environment and fauna, protection of nature, scientific expertise and research for environmental projects. On this occasion, Minister Kuçi stated that the purpose of this Memorandum is to create cooperation between the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, namely Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary, and Ministry of Economy and Environment. According to him, cooperation is aimed at coordinating activities for affirming the current issues in the protection of environment and fauna, protection of nature, scientific expertise and research for environmental projects.


“It is my pleasure to sign today, as Minister, an Agreement with the Rector, which is an earlier initiative related to issues concerning the environmental protection and move forward. These are related to various scientific researches, internship of students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary. I wish success to the Rector in his work, in particular the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary in the relevant environment fields”, stated minister Kuçi.


Rector Sahiti stated that the signature of this Memorandum will highlight more the works in the field of environment.


“It is my pleasure to sign, in the capacity of UP Rector, this Memorandum of Cooperation. Expansion of areas and responsibilities of MEE has provided us with additional opportunities for cooperation given that the field of environmental protection is one of the top trending topics not only in Kosovo, but everywhere. This Agreement will enable the UP staff to provide a valuable contribution with their expertise and analyses for protection of environment and fauna and works will yield results”, added Rector Sahiti.


This Memorandum will create the general conditions for bilateral cooperation in the field of education and research, in view of cooperation for developing the educational modules and programmes at the bachelor and master level, internship for students in these modules and programmes, exchange of experience, best practices, experts and relevant literature for institutional development, in order to advance the policies in the field of environment and spatial planning and scientific and professional activities, positive impact on matching study programmes with labour market needs and many other activities.


Both parties have assigned coordinators to ensure the progress of this Memorandum by monitoring and ensuring the implementation of the Memorandum in question.