MEE and MFK have signed the Agreement of Understanding on Air Quality


Prishtina, 24.09.2020 – Today, at the Ministry of Economy and Environment, has been signed the Agreement of Understanding between the Ministry and the Millennium Foundation of Kosovo (MFK).


In this Agreement that was signed by the Minister of MEA, Blerim Kuçi, and the Executive Director of MFK, Petrit Selimi, it is foreseen supporting of the activity “Dig Data”, which is related to the collection of data on air quality.


The purpose of this Agreement is to promote cooperation in the implementation of a project that as a basis has Transparent and Accountable Governance. The collected data on air quality will be transparent to the public and will be used for analytical purposes.


According to Minister Blerim Kuçi, transparency is an element that will have a special importance during his governance with the Ministry of Economy and Environment.


In the ceremony of signing this Agreement took part also Sarah Olmstead, Director of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) for Kosovo.